马属于体育用品吗英文翻译,sports goods和sporting goods哪个是体育用品的英文?

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sports goods和sporting goods哪个是体育用品的英文?

是sports goods,例如:

1.Germany re-alized its economic recovery by way of global sales promotion of sports goods.德国就是靠在全球推销体育商品实现经济复苏的。

2.In the supply of sports goods, some kinds of sports goods has the supply characteristic that does not be influenced by market factors and some other kinds of sports goods has no managing purpose of profit.在体育商品的供给中,某些体育商品具有不太受市场因素制约与影响的供给刚性特征,而另一些又常常可以不以其体育商品本身的供给利润为其经营目的。

sports goods 是体育用品的英文。sports 是体育 运动的意思,Goods是物品,事物的意思

